All about Australian Women
Issues? What Issues? was written off the back of our Alli & Genine blog. We had been blogging for a few months about our issues, our weaknesses, our failings, and it really struck a chord with our community. So we decided to pop it in a book! As publishers, we knew how to print stuff, so we self published and got ourselves a distributor. Really, it was a vehicle to share our issues. By going first, sharing first, we knew we would encourage women to do the same.
The most common thread is fear. We are fearful of so much stuff! Fearful of taking the next step, fearful of not taking the next step, fearful of what people will think of us, fearful of failure. And honestly, this fear often stops us from seeking help with our issue. We are paralysed with it. Where do we turn? Who do we ask? What will people think of me if they know the truth? I really wish we were all far more comfy in our skin, more okay with our issues. We need to give ourselves a break. Oh, and we also need to stop the judgement – of ourselves and others.
Wow, where do I start? Well, probably getting myself together after one hell of a 2013. We lost a baby early in 2013, then I had to rebrand and rebuild my business in August, and sadly, we lost my beautiful Dad to mesothelioma in late 2013 – my biggest challenge yet (especially going through his death with 24-hour morning sickness, and losing a dear friend to a sudden stroke in the same week). Getting my life and business together and kicking 2014 in the pants is my focus now. Grief is bloody hard, and I miss my Dad every day, but I am determined to make him proud! So onwards and upwards we go.
You mean besides his obsession with undersized budgie smugglers? Of course he does. We all have issues! And he has three daughters, right? That would be one hell of an issue in itself. Ha! My advice to Tony is the same advice I’d like to give to each and every politician (I’m not a fan of politics) … how about being a little more real, raw and honest? How about cutting the crap and forgetting what you should say, be and do, and actually being real? I am sick and tired of the dishonesty of politicians. They are supposed to be role models, and they are all so dishonest, and feel compelled to project images of people they are not.
Generally it’s a big, old mess! I’m an early bird – I do my best work at 5:30am – seriously! My son started prep this year, so I have a few more “work from home” hours in my day (he was in kindy three days a week). Every day is different. I am juggling the creation of The Swagger Project (our online coaching program for women – in life and business), I jump between meetings, I spend a LOT of time writing and on Facebook, and I’m in the process of perhaps buying another new business and looking at relaunching a brand I’ve had for a few years. Throw a stack of events and public speaking into the mix. I love what I do – and this year is going to be the biggest yet! Not to mention having a bubba on the way … and trying hard to keep my house tidy (fail!) and spend time with my boys. This year I have decided to try not to do so much – I have learned that multi-tasking just isn’t efficient. I am trying to eat the elephant one bite at a time.
It’s a tricky one, but I think it comes down to choices. Right, wrong, whatever, women more often than not “choose” to start a family and take time off to be “mum”. Of course this means less women are in the workforce at the crucial time in their careers. It’s a domino effect. I don’t think it’s anyone’s fault. I would like to think that men don’t get chosen for these roles because they are men, but because they are the right people for the job. Sure, I would like to see more women in these top jobs, and there are some amazing women we should all look up to and aspire to be like. But the bottom line is that we take time off, we have “breaks” from the corporate world – it is what it is. And we have to be okay with the decisions we make. The good news is that so many of these women end up starting their own business – yay!
Most days, I bugger up – often! I am forever walking the tightrope, juggling the balls. I try and keep organised – I’m old school with lists, but I am generally a bit frazzled, like many women. I’m a work in progress. It’s so right that it takes a community to raise a child, and I am blessed with a very hands-on husband and a gaggle of grandparents to help with Hudson. Mostly, my house is a mess, and I struggle with that. But, through The Swagger Project, I am learning to be kinder to myself!
Please drop by and say hi!
Alli & Co
The Swagger Project
Big Girl’s Panties Wines