Jodie Dunne: A Personal Battle With Endometriosis

Bridget Heinemann

Author Posts

Jodie Dunne’s personal battle with Endometriosis and why she and fellow Co-Founder Donna have created the new flourishing charity, Endometriosis Australia.

Philosophy: (noun) – a theory or attitude that acts as a guiding principle for behaviour. Code: (noun) – a set of conventions or moral principles governing behaviour in a particular sphere. [divider] Do you have a philosophy or code that guides your life? Or you might know it as an attitude, mantra or belief system.
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I may have titled this article the every woman budget but really, it applies to everyone… Your future is created by what you do today, and I think part of creating a secure future where you’ve got choices is supported by your finances and planning ahead. And a budget it a great way to get
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At 25 I was made redundant. And it was one of the best things that ever happened to me.

Walking away from the Brisbane KPI event on Saturday evening there was a spring in my step. I felt extremely motivated and excited about what will come next. And, the best part is that ‘next’ is up to me! For those who that haven’t heard of KPI, it stands for Key Person of Influence. It’s
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