All about Australian Women
Former nurse turned public servant Jeanine Biviano has been named the 2013 Telstra New South Wales Business Woman of the Year.
A few years into the future we will be working from the beach, cafés, at the snow or just about anywhere you can use a mobile device.
One of the most important things in business is to have a clear vision; manifest your life, and the very thing you want in it.
On a glorious Saturday afternoon in Sydney, spring was in the air and I said “Yes to Love” with Cimone-Louise.
As a budding social entrepreneur and a self-confessed change maker I was elated to find myself sitting in The Rocks Sydney eagerly awaiting the inspiring presence of Natalie Isaacs, founder of 1 Million Women. Natalie’s team and her 79,330 female followers have inspired new habits that will help effect climate change – not just now,
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I joined nineteen other women and one man for Executive Women Australia’s (EWA) robust roundtable covering the topic which is currently heavily featured in the headlines: Australia’s ever growing gender gap and the implications this will have on the longer term cost to our society. The group did not represent experts in the field, but
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