Boobie Trap Inventor Emma Avison Chats To

Rebecca Caldwell

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Editor’s Note: Our Ambassador Rebecca Caldwell recently reviewed a fabulous product that help keep our intimate fancy bras in good order and shape. You can read it here. This week, she chats with the woman behind the idea. If you have been guilty of opening up your lingerie drawer and wincing at the mayhem that
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What is it like working in the resources sector? For many women, thinking about a mining job conjures up images of hard hats, giant trucks and getting dirty, which can be discouraging when starting out or choosing a career. While that maybe a reality for some on-site jobs, there are many areas of expertise far
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Sometimes a product comes along that makes you wonder why it hadn’t been invented before! Designed in Perth, WA by young entrepreneur Emma Avison, The Boobie Trap is a clever little shelving device that slips neatly into your drawer allowing you to store your bras safely and keeps them tangle-free. The device looks like a
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With so much creative talent in Australia, it’s a wonder where all the start-ups, new bands or film projects get funding, especially with the current economic climate. Rather than go down the traditional investment-seeking path, many are turning to crowdfunding. Crowdfunding isn’t a new concept, however it’s enjoying a surge in popularity due to social
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