How To Fake It Til You Make It

Making the decision to become self-employed and run your own business is an admirable thing to do, but it can be an intense emotional roller coaster at the same time. It’s natural to second guess your abilities and skills, but even if you’re far from being at the point you want to be, exuding confidence
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I joined nineteen other women and one man for Executive Women Australia’s  (EWA) robust roundtable covering the topic which is currently heavily featured in the headlines: Australia’s ever growing gender gap and the implications this will have on the longer term cost to our society. The group did not represent experts in the field, but
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Macquarie University presents Women, Management and Work Conference on July 18th and 19th at the prestigious Hilton Hotel on George St, Sydney. This year marks the 25th Silver Anniversary of the event. The program is designed to challenge, empower and inspire executive women on their career path. The program is packed with expert knowledge and
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Editor’s Note: We are thrilled to cover the Australian Executive Women’s Leadership Symposium which was held on 22-23 May in Sydney. Elisa Limburg reports on key issues executive women are talking about. The Australian Executive Women’s Leadership Symposium focused on topics such as equal opportunities for women, mentoring, leadership and maintaining a better work-life balance. 
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