We’re An Ungrateful Bunch

I recently went on my first trip abroad to Phuket, Thailand. I was 28 before I left the country at all. I had a slight phobia; I knew that I would suffer from culture shock after being in a bubble for so long. My grandma passed away a few years ago, and left all of
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Since opening, I have had people remark that I must have the best job in the world, playing with cats and kittens every day. More inquisitive people comment that it must take a lot of money to open such a business. They wait for my reply, which is always along the lines of, “Yes, heaps.
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My clock is the same as everybody’s else. My days only have 24 hours – 8 or 9 of those are spent sleeping! Yet, I find the time to fulfill my dreams simply because I make time for it.

When it was time to find my warehouse, it was harder than I thought – and this crushed me, as it was a very important part of the plan. When I found something I liked, I would make contact with the agent and that’s when the fun began! I’m not being sexist, but they are
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(Photo source) Comfort is easy. We all do things the same old way because it’s comfortable. But by staying firmly inside our comfort zones, we miss out on opportunities that may change our lives. A few years ago, I decided to change my life by stepping out of my comfort zone. How did I step
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I have always been a good student. My parents were quite strict about it, and have always told me “you have to study hard so you can have a job that you really like. You want to wake-up in the morning and be happy to go to the office”. Of course, they didn’t like their
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